
How to Get 98% of High School Seniors in a Public High School to Complete the FAFSA – A Case Study


Around the country, 1 in 5 college students does not complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid — the FAFSA — the form high school and college students must complete to apply for financial aid. This means millions of students, mainly from low-income families, are deprived of financial aid that they would otherwise be entitled to. As a result, many of these students take on unnecessary debt to complete their education — or don’t go to college at all. But East Harlem’s Central Park East High School beats these odds – 98% of its class of 2021 completed the FAFSA. And to help other schools achieve the same result, in partnership with us, Central Park East High School created an in-depth guide detailing how it achieved this outstanding outcome. Clink this link for the guide. 

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