K-12 Education

We continued in 2021 to push back against the “wait to fail” paradigm of our public schools and the impact of remote schooling on K-12 student learning, which has left low-income students significantly behind in their education, particularly in literacy and math.


In 2021, we continued our support for game-changing approaches to the early detection of and interventions for low-income students at risk for dyslexia.   Early identification of children at risk is critical for both improving learning outcomes and for preventing the long-lasting social-emotional problems that often accompany reading failure.


Numerous studies have shown that school closures in 2020-2021 were associated with large gaps in reading among less affluent students. We sought to address these gaps employing our venture philanthropy approach.


Math proficiency in New York is continually low and some of the steepest academic losses in the pandemic were in math. Thus, just like we have done with literacy, we dove into the inflection points of math in 2021 looking to determine where best our philanthropy can seek to tackle these losses.

Parochial Schools

For many years, we have supported charter, experimental and parochial schools, which offer alternatives to our public education system.

Other K-12 Initiatives